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28226 Church Drive
Hilliard, FL 32046

(904) 845-7286


Event Calendar

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South Asia Trip Yard Sale/Chicken Dinner Fundraiser

**We are in need of your donations!  Please place items in the old library**

We will be raising money to fund the South Asia Trip with a yard sale and chicken dinner fundraiser on Saturday, February 8th at the Banquet Barn in Hilliard, FL

The yardsale begins at 7:00 am and goes until 1:00 pm. 

Chicken dinners will be available for a $6.00 donation and will be available for purchase or pick up from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm/

Please see Kelly Cook or Janet Jones if you have any questions!



Earlier Event: February 5
AWANA Workers Meeting
Later Event: February 11
Ladies Visitation