Sin Series
The death of Jesus is a victory over death, hell and the grave, of which we all deserved because of sin in our life. Despite our struggles with living the way that we should, we still need to be reminded of the great power and influence sin has in our life, and the great power that Christ has given to us to help us in our times of weakness and temptation.
Listen to this powerful series on sin and learn how you can live with a confident assurance that Christ has already won the victory for you!
May 18, 2014 - Sin Series Sermon #1 "Consequence of Sin: Death"
May 25, 2014 - Sin Series Sermon #2 "Confusion of Sin: Compromise"
June 1, 2014 - Sin Series Sermon #3 "Completeness of Sin: Everywhere"
June 8, 2014 - Sin Series Sermon #4 "Confinement of Sin: Secrets"
June 22, 2014 - Sin Series Sermon #5 "Conception of Sin: Temptation"