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28226 Church Drive
Hilliard, FL 32046

(904) 845-7286



Children’s worship

  • Ages 3-years - 3rd Grade

  • Sunday morning and Sunday evening - Sign in your child at the sign in sheet near the area for Children's Worship.


  • Ages birth - 2 years

  • Sunday morning services

  • Sunday evening services

  • Wednesday evening services

Kid’s Camp 2023

All aboard for a Rocky Railway adventure here at FBC Boulougne every Thursday in July from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. Learn how Jesus’ power always pulls us through!  There will be field trips to the pool at Camp Sorensen on July 13th and 27th, and a trip to the Folkston Depot on July 20th. 

**Children Ages PreK (completed) - 5th Grade (completed) Register online using the link below, or forms are available in the children’s department. Please register by June 30, 2023.